See What The FOOLISH BOY Did At School
See What The FOOLISH BOY Did At School. When what one is taught at home contradicts with what one is taught at school, which one will the person choose ? Paul was captain of his school's Quiz team and had led them to Several victories. On the Final leg of the National Junior Schools Quiz Competition, the Last question that would have given the school another Victory/Shield was directed at Paul..."Spell AUDITORIUM". It was obviously a "cheap" question for somebody of Paul's intelligence, but he observed that the word "Auditorium" was pasted to the microphone before him. Paul raised his hand and said, "Sorry sir, but the word is pasted on this microphone and it would be Cheating If I answered it". So, he was given another question which he couldn't answer correctly, and his school LOST the competition! Many watching Live on TV said, "What a Stupid boy. His type should Never be involved in Anything that has to do with C...